by HypnoFreedom on Sunday, January 25th, 2015 | Comments Off

(CNN) – According to the Surgeon General, cigarette smoking is the single largest preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. The finding was first reported 50 years ago, and the statement is still true today.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says about 42 million American adults smoke cigarettes -that’s almost one in five people. The addiction isn’t an easy one to beat, but there’s an unusual treatment helping some people: hypnosis.
Certified clinical hypnotherapist Sean Wheeler says he has helped more than 1,800 people to stop smoking. He says hypnosis isn’t about being in a “trance,” like many people think. It’s actually all about communication.
“My job is to find out about that individual, what their motivations are, what their needs are and what their concerns are. And then once I have that information delivered properly when they’re hypnotized, it can be really, really powerful,” Wheeler said.
According to Wheeler, some patients can leave their first appointment without any nicotine cravings at all. It takes others a few more tries.
“So hypnosis, even when it doesn’t work, does no harm at all. There’s no one who ends up having a physical or emotional or psychological side effect do to stop smoking hypnosis,” Wheeler said.
Hypnosis isn’t the only option for people trying to quit smoking. The American Cancer Society also suggests nicotine replacement therapy, acupuncture and quit smoking support groups.
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